
Go Easy on Yourself

It’s been said time and time again and we all know that grief is one big journey which re-evaluates your norms and shifts through many different stages and takes on many forms. We have joined the grief club. The thing is (and I am very guilty of this) in our hectic and fast paced society grief becomes A) a taboo subject and B) something we try and distract ourselves from, and why not? It’s a natural instict to heal pain when it hits and understandably for many of us the only real way we think we may heal ourselves is by distracting ourselves from our grief until it ‘passes’ or ‘eases.’ The sad truth- it’s not going to pass.

Over the summer, like many others, I have kept myself very busy with both unavoidable events and planned ones which ended up taking me here there and everywhere, but now it’s all done. Now I have sat here and felt in full force almost a summers worth of mixed emotions hit me and I can’t differentiate between them! Of course I have been saddened over the summer but I was wrong to push down all of my emotions and my grief to the point where I was oblivious. Now it is okay now and then to set aside your grief and embrace happy, fun and loving emotions- we deserve to grant ourselves that, but be easy on yourself and in the easiest way possible embrace your grief! Embrace the pain, the sadness, the guilt even the hatred- embrace it all AS SOON as it hits you, or else there may just be a big pot of emotions boiling over to the point where you’ve exhausted the pot and flooded yourself.

Much like a car, we fill ourselves up with fuel but in order to keep moving we must continuously be exherting our energies; good and bad, or we will simply burn out.

“Life is like a bike, in order to succeed we must keep moving”

All my love

Lj x

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