Bereavement · breakups · grieving · loss · relationships

When life hits you again

As we know all too well life likes to throw a number of curveballs your way and continually test your strength. The rug can be ripped out from under your feet and you can be left on your arse once more, but guess what ? I have plenty of cushion to soften the blow and I will be getting back up. You have the power within you to get back up.

Recently I went through a very sudden break up (as apparent to me,) we had a short but intense relationship and I experienced some of the happiest moments ever. It shook me up, it brought back feelings of having someone I care about leave my life except what upset me the most was that he chose to. The truth is, no part of me is angry, no part of me hates him because all I ever did was care and how could my mind ever punish someone that I just want to be happy. Just like with my father passing it is my own selfishness that refuses me to let someone go. I can’t deny it did upset me, but it also allowed me to care for someone more than I ever have before and show myself that I am capable, even after such a traumatic event as my fathers death, to continually share myself with others. Your world can be positive, your life can be fruitful and glorious and your love for yourself is what will allow you to blossom in life and have others gravitate toward you.

Now many say that a breakup is like a grieving cycle. I have to say it is, you look back and feel guilty for taking them for granted, you run over and over in your head if only you had done things differently and you sit and list what if, but the truth is there is happiness in grief. You got to have your loved one with you for however long before you lost them, you got to build memories and share experiences and those no matter how hard you try can never be taken away. Now you can sit and refuse to allow yourself to think upon those memories or you can embrace the pain and know that your pain simply reflects how amazing that time was. The main thing you can do by embracing your pain is to forgive. Forgive yourself for the criticism you have thrown at yourself as things didn’t go ‘the right way,’ forgive the person that left you because even if they chose to leave know that it has no reflection on you and that I can guaruntee no part of them would have done it to punish you, forgive the world for opening you up to become more aware of pain and evil. Forgive yourself.

All the world should be exposed to is love. Love, honesty, care but overall forgiveness. Yes you may sit and think how cliche that sounds but the truth is all issues stem from the lack of love, honesty, care and forgiveness. Usually for oneself. If you cannot be honest in a situation things just end up worse, if you cannot care for yourself you may not care enough to show the world what you are made of and reach your full potential which you DESERVE, if you cannot forgive yourself then you will torment your mind, body and soul by reliving all of those negative emotions you have simply stored away.

As much as at first I refused to believe it. Everything DOES happen for a reason, and that reason is simple. For you to become you. Our pain and losses will make us and allow us to share more of ourselves than we have ever done before. Our pain and losses will motivate us and allow us to love people like we have never done before.

“You have every single power you could ever need inside of you.”

All my love

LJ xx

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